Return Sunday Block Party
This year, we're celebrating Return Sunday on September 8th in a BIG way!
We are hosting the churchwide Return Sunday Picnic at our Anderson First downtown location immediately following our 10am Worship Service. We will grill hot dogs and hamburgers while we enjoy the same fun, we had at previous picnics with additional activities like Jenga, bubbles, and a bouncy house. Plus, this year we will have the convenience of staying downtown for lunch! We cannot wait to celebrate returning to our downtown location with our Anderson First family. But don't let the fun end there! This is a great opportunity to invite a family member, friend, or neighbor to join you at church.
We are asking people to bring sides and desserts to church that morning and we will be storing them in the North/South Parlor or the kitchen if they need to be refrigerated. Carts will be available to transport the food if needed. Food will be served in the Parlor immediately after the service, and we will have seating and tables inside the Parlor and outside doors 2 and 3 under the awning. We will have some parking blocked off on Sunday morning, but the awning will be open for people to use before worship starts. We will need a few people to help set up during the 10am worship service. If you are interested in volunteering or have questions about the Return Sunday Party, please contact Ally Hall (